I don't know about you, but July is always a very busy month for us...Vacation bible school, school prep, and trying to cram all of the summer fun possible into the last few weeks of vacation.This year has proved to be just as crazy with the kids doing cross country and our new business location opening.
Well, we made it through another week. **Collective cheer and big huge sigh**
We had something to do or somewhere to be almost every day this week...and it is the same through the next few weeks. My plan is to coffee up and hold on for the ride! It is filled with good and great things that I wouldn't give up for anything. God has blessed us so much! I look forward to continuing to share it with you!
Now, onto our week in review for you...It was a good one. :)
Our Vacation Bible School was this week. The theme was Operation Arctic...and the church asked for winter decorations. I asked if they might be interested in an oversized ridiculously tall inflatable Olaf. They were rather excited about it.
He obviously needed cleaned up after being in storage...
(Err well, half in storage. Someone put him on a shelf, in the garage and not into the tote box I had assigned him to. I'm talking to you, Dustin.)
I help the kids set him up. I peek out the window a few minutes later and this is what I see...

Doesn't everyone scrub their winter decorations, on a picnic table, right after a thunderstorm, in the middle of July?
2. When I watched my kids babysit...

Cannon came over and the kids instantly started fighting over who got to take care of him. He is really easy to watch and just kind of hangs out and observes. They took turns playing with him and passing him around.
Oh, he and Anna also took turns hitting and pushing each other. They have been hanging out in the nursery at church since Cannon was born and that's just what they do. I am sure he is probably making up for all the times Anna was mean to him before he could do anything in return.
I reminded my children that they didn't need to argue over him because they still had a baby sister at home. They informed me that Cannon was better because he was a newer version.
He is only 6 months younger than Anna...but apparently that is all it takes. Either way...we all love him to pieces and look forward to him visiting again.
Alex can't wait because Cannon is totally mesmerized by his magic tricks!
3. Tater Tot Plants...

I was making a quick lunch on Sunday and I honestly really just want to know where I can get tater tot plants!?!
I mean clearly they have this figured out if it goes from field to frozen. I think they are leaving out a few steps...but..I'm not the one marketing these infamous magical tater tots...maybe they have created a tater tot plant?
4. Preteen Boys Are Smarter Than Lawyers...
We had a couple friends spend the night, right in the middle of VBS. So obviously I didn't want them staying up too late. I told them they had to turn the X Box off at 11:30 and turn out the light. They informed me the next morning that I said they had to turn our the light...I didn't say they had to go to sleep. Apparently, I need to be more specific next time. They stayed up talking until 2am.
Talk about finding one heck of a loop hole!
Well played boys...well played...

5. Operation Arctic...
This is our second VBS year at our church. The kids always have a blast and come home on fire for Jesus. The leaders and teachers really love to work with kids. You can see it in everything they do. The Lord is doing BIG things at this church. I really enjoy watching Him work through everyone there!
There were over 250 kids by the last night and 30 kids accepted Jesus! Plus multiple baptisms.
6. Why I am Losing Faith in UPS

Out of the 6 packages we received this week 3 of them were disasters. One had clearly been opened and taped half shut again. Even the packing slip was missing!
The package pictured below is the absolute worst I have ever seen though. It looked like Big Foot played with it for about 6 hours. Thankfully the item inside was not easily damaged and was still usable. Or some very frustrating phone calls would have had to be made.
7. How Anna and I Did Walmart...
Anna wasn't feeling so great this week.
I couldn't say she was sick but I also couldn't say she was feeling good. So she missed two days of VBS. Dustin took her one day...and I stayed with her the second day, because Dustin had to work.
Since I almost never just have one kid with me..I decided to pop into Walmart for a few things.
We were out of shampoo and conditioner..and that is an emergency def-con 5 in a house with 4 girls...5, if you include the dog.
Anna was really not feeling any part of doing anything on this day. In retrospect, I am realizing that Anna was/is cutting more molars. I told her we would go see Daddy, at work..but we missed him. Lots and lots of tears. She cried all the way across town. Alligator tears. It was ridiculously hot and her sippy cup had went missing. Plus it was around dinner time and I had forgotten to pack a snack.
I promise I really have been doing this Mom thing for a while. lol It was just one of those days.
So...I did what any totally awesome, tired, and resourceful Mom would do. I took her into Subway and bought us a bag of Cheetos and a cherry Icee to share!
I didn't realize until we were much farther into the store that she had on a shirt that was getting too small and she was filthy...despite having a bath that morning.(I am fairly certain that the 4th child is born convered in dirt and sticky and stays that way for their first 4-5 years) Her hair was coming out of its pony and she was now covered in orange and red from our snack.
Yep, Anna and I totally classed up Walmart on Wednesday folks!
We had fun though.
We had a snack, walked through the toys and shoes, picked up some sippy cups, and I snagged some school supplies! (EEP! HOMESCHOOL. CHRISTMAS. HAS. ARRIVED!!!)
Well, That was our week in a nutshell...We made it out the other side and had some fun along the way!
Even though I will not be surprised if we show up on that People of Walmart website in the near future...
Happy Friday!
Anna wasn't feeling so great this week.
I couldn't say she was sick but I also couldn't say she was feeling good. So she missed two days of VBS. Dustin took her one day...and I stayed with her the second day, because Dustin had to work.
Since I almost never just have one kid with me..I decided to pop into Walmart for a few things.
We were out of shampoo and conditioner..and that is an emergency def-con 5 in a house with 4 girls...5, if you include the dog.
Anna was really not feeling any part of doing anything on this day. In retrospect, I am realizing that Anna was/is cutting more molars. I told her we would go see Daddy, at work..but we missed him. Lots and lots of tears. She cried all the way across town. Alligator tears. It was ridiculously hot and her sippy cup had went missing. Plus it was around dinner time and I had forgotten to pack a snack.
I promise I really have been doing this Mom thing for a while. lol It was just one of those days.
So...I did what any totally awesome, tired, and resourceful Mom would do. I took her into Subway and bought us a bag of Cheetos and a cherry Icee to share!
I didn't realize until we were much farther into the store that she had on a shirt that was getting too small and she was filthy...despite having a bath that morning.(I am fairly certain that the 4th child is born convered in dirt and sticky and stays that way for their first 4-5 years) Her hair was coming out of its pony and she was now covered in orange and red from our snack.
Yep, Anna and I totally classed up Walmart on Wednesday folks!
We had fun though.
We had a snack, walked through the toys and shoes, picked up some sippy cups, and I snagged some school supplies! (EEP! HOMESCHOOL. CHRISTMAS. HAS. ARRIVED!!!)
Well, That was our week in a nutshell...We made it out the other side and had some fun along the way!
Even though I will not be surprised if we show up on that People of Walmart website in the near future...
Happy Friday!
my baby is an internet star!