That means it is 7 Quick Takes day! The day every week that I entertain you with the happenings of our life in the tiny house this week.
It might be funny (It tends to be funny), entertaining or down right bizarre! But that's why you keep coming back to read it..because no one wants to read about boring.
The scary part? All of it is true. Yes. Our lives really are this ridiculous, goofy and weird. Every. Single. Day.
Welcome to our tiny little part of the world. Pull up a chair, but wipe it off first...because it is probably sticky...Everything is always sticky.
1. The Great Van Cleaning of 2017
We typically clean out the van as needed and or every week or so. However, this job is usually something I hand out as a chore to one of the kids. They get paid for it. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting my money's worth though. It was REALLY bad in there.
It took 2.5 hours. We filled more than one large trash bag with trash and a large laundry basket with items that needed returned to their rightful place.
I'm fairly certain we are getting better gas mileage from the literal pounds of trash, dirt and stuff we removed.
The plan is to maintain the cleanliness of the van. Check back in a month or two and we can all have a good laugh about the stuff that falls out when we open the doors.
2. Our Town Takes Taco's VERY Seriously!
The local taco joint had a deal on tacos this week. 34 Cents! All of the proceeds went to a local children's organization that operates in our county. People were so excited, and hungry...that they needed a Sheriff to direct traffic in and out of the parking lot. The line wasn't quite as bad as I had imagined it would be...we only waited about 20 minutes to place our order.

3. All I wanted was a haircut...
Emma and I got our hair cut this week. I used to cut everyone's hair. However, hers has gotten so thick. It makes me nervous to even think about cutting it. So, we go to our favorite gal to have it done. I don't go too often, every 3 months.
Emma had been growing her hair our recently. She wanted to grow her bangs, and get longer layers added in. She wanted spiral beach waves.

Well, she definitely got what she wanted...but I wasn't prepared for her to look so grown up. I went in with a little girl and came out with a young lady.
4. Over The River and Through The Woods...
Our neighbor a few houses down asked us to pick some of her green beans and sugar snap peas last week. She was having surgery and couldn't get it done.
The girls and I walked over. A handful of the neighbors are related and they have trails connecting their properties. So we went over the bridge and through the woods to pick some beans. :)
I figured she would share a little with us, but she sent them all home with us! Such a blessing!

They tasted like the beans my mom would make when I was a kid. Those took hours! These took 15 minutes.
5. Fancy Footwear
I've been having issues with my arches recently. The chiropractor has lectured...and I listened. No more cute, flat sandals or flip flops. :(
My friend gave me these foot supports. They are so neat. Like a hug for your arches. They have helped a lot...and they are so attractive!

I am totally and completely positive this will be a new trend.When it comes around, be sure to remember who started it. OK?! OK!
6 He's taller than me and has a jump shot too...
Alex has been growing like a weed lately. Over 3 inches since Christmas! He has officially grown taller than me.

His favorite sport is basketball and he has worked really hard to improve his skills this year. Basketball camp was this week. His hard work is paying off. His coach tracked me down after the first night and had all good things to say. He asked me if I had seen him play. lol Yes, Every. Single. Day. ( But I knew what he meant. He has definitely improved.) We are all excited for b-ball season to start this year. He has his heart set on point guard, but he seems to be made for center. His team mates have started calling him the Center Guard...and it stuck. Guess I need to get a t-shirt made.

7. Frog Swimming Lessons

They baked cookies, packed a picnic lunch and went to the park. This is our favorite park, it has a stream with sand and plenty of rocks for skipping. Plus, it has Addison's favorite thing...frogs!
Marie Anne said that she had 3 at one time. The last one was especially tame. Addison decided to give it swimming lesson. She would toss it out into the stream...and that poor frog, swam right back to her. All while Addison would cheer, instruct and encourage from the shore. I guess this went on for a good 5-6 times of her tossing the frog out into the stream and it swimming back. Finally Marie Anne said that the frog was looking tired and suggested she let him rest.
Poor frog...but look at these amazing pictures that Marie Anne took! I'm in love! Thanks MA!
Well, our Summer is about to start winding down. School starts in two weeks. We will still enjoy the weather, and go on some adventures..but we will be back to reading, writing and arithmetic. ;)
Happy Friday!
~ Lyndsay
Oh man, I have GOT to get one of those Instant Pots...
ReplyDeleteYou should definitely look into it, Jenny. I am not a gadget person, but this thing is amazing! I use it basically every day. Plus, Our stove and range has been going down hill quickly in the last year. It has really helped pick up the slack. I already have plans to order a second (Larger) one this fall.