That means it is 7 Quick Takes day! The day every week that I entertain you with the happenings of our life in the tiny house this week.
It might be funny (It tends to be funny), entertaining or down right bizarre! But that's why you keep coming back to read it..because no one wants to read about boring.
The scary part? All of it is true. Yes. Our lives really are this ridiculous, goofy and weird. Every. Single. Day.
Welcome to our tiny little part of the world. Pull up a chair, but wipe it off first...because it is probably sticky...Everything is always sticky.
1. Tooth Fairy Fail
I have never been great with the whole tooth fairy thing. My children are convinced that she is a busy, frazzled, unorganized, disheveled and forgetful little fairy. She tends to forget their tooth for a night or two. She sometimes neglects to collect their teeth and she even sometimes makes an appearance after they have gotten up in the morning.
I told you I was bad at this. Really, really bad. That being said, this is about Addison, age 6.
She has managed to LOSE two teeth. Not lose in the 'Yay! I lost my tooth!'kind of way.
No. No. We are talking 'Mom, My mouth feels funny. I was picking and eating apples and now there is this weird space.'
While eating popcorn this week 'Mom, I lost my tooth. But I think I ate it.'
Yes. She has lost/eaten two teeth in the matter of a two month period!
(I have considered googling the possible dietary repercussions, but I'm not sure I want to know.)
The tooth eating situation has made the fairy visits a bit more complicated. Addison resorted to making teeth out of paper. The fairy remembered the paper the first time. The second time, not so much. I told her the tooth fairy emailed me and told her to just hang onto it for the next time around. She efficient like that.
Yes, our tooth fairy has an email address. She is a busy little thing and is sometimes up to three days behind on her email and tooth pick up. I told you I was bad at this!
Also, for those who are curious. Our fairy is old school. She pays out $1 per tooth. Anyone who tells my children differently are subject to inflicted injury. Seriously people, who ever came up with the idea of paying $5-20 per tooth?!
2. First Week of School

School started at the tiny house this week. This year we have a 6th, 4th and 1st grader. Plus a fun filled and spunky toddler. So she has to be kept busy, organized and on schedule.
The first week went well. Everyone was very worn out by our last day.(They are currently still sleeping while I type this at 8:15 am) This year's school curriculum has seen a lot if changes. Good changes, but a lot of new things to adjust to. They all handled it well and have been rising to the challenge. We are all excited to see how much we learn and grow this year.
I know that a lot of families take the super relaxed, sleep until 10, do school in your pajamas route. That was us at one point in time, but now there are just too many kids in older grades to be so relaxed.
Everyone is up, dressed, morning chores, and breakfast by 7:45. School starts at 8. There's a lot to learn this year. Structure is necessary.
That being said. We still have a lot of fun!

Here are a couple of pictures from our first week. The big excitement was for Addison. She earned an A+ on her first ever spelling test.
3. County Fair

We all enjoyed it. Dustin goes for the food. Funnel cakes, steak sandwiches, lemonade, elephant ears, Italian sausages, pizza, French get the idea. It was a real treat for the kids and the husband.
I fell in love with the barns and exhibits. It was laid out well. At least compared to our old town. I was quite impressed. (We bled green for 4H when I was a kid. So, my fun version of the fair is the exact opposite of my husband.)

The kids convinced us to let them ride some rides. The oldest three are adventurous and love anything that spins. They went on this at least twice.

They played some games...which I was a bit disappointed by. Apparently you win a prize every time, even if you suck. Yep, that's what our world has come to. It's sad. Basically it worked like this, pay $3-5 and they hand you a fidget spinner. Rant over.

Anna rode a pony ride and walked with me through all of the exhibit buildings. Plus it took me a little while but I found my happy place. The rabbit and poultry barn!

Over all, we really like our new county Fair. I Definitely see us attending again in the future.
4. Park Day
We went to the park with some friends one afternoon this week. We visited the biggest park in our town. We hadn't been there in a while. We tend to be park hoppers.
The oldest kids ran off to be wild and free and we played with the littles and chatted for a while. It was good for the kids and the moms. The only thing missing was some iced coffee.

* The older boys couldn't be troubled by standing still for pictures. They were far too busy for that.*
5. Fun Science
Have you ever microwaved Ivory Soap?!

It is so much fun!
It is of course a science experiment and there is actual science behind it. However, the best part is what actually happens when you do microwave it.
You can find the science behind it here.
You can also read about the happy accident that created Ivory Soap, here.
Here are the pictures from our experiment.
The kids really enjoyed this one!

If you homeschool or even if you don' should consider giving this a try!

6. A Shockingly Accurate Emoji
Poor Addison. She has had a bit of a rough summer. She caught some strange 'Scarlet fever like' virus along with poison ivy. Lots of meds including steroids.
She managed to get poison ivy two other times. Bad enough for meds. She is a tad bit allergic to poison ivy.
Last month I noticed she had picked up a fungus on her thumb nails. We've been treating that.
Two weeks ago I found one really swollen lymph node on her neck. Apparently she had three very large lymph nodes. Yet another trip to the Dr to find out she has 'Cat Scratch Fever'. Yes. Not only did they make a song about it, but it is actually a real thing. More medicines and a new med for her fingernail.
She is tired of all this and so am I. She has however enjoyed picking out the Band-aids to cover her finger nail. Her most recent choice was themed Emojis.
As much as I do not get into all of the recent fads. This one pretty much sums up how we feel right now.

I am officially in the market for an Addison sized germ bubble.
7. His Precious
A couple weeks ago this conversation took place between Dustin and I.

*He never did reply back with the cost to fix it.*
Of course you can imagine that this rather interesting and slightly frightening creation is now parked in the office garage.
Alex and Dustin are starting work on it tomorrow.
It has since been dubbed 'Precious' and it has stuck. Even the toddler is saying it. The kids are not up to date on why it is funny, but have played along. We have shown them the short video clips, but have decided that it just doesn't do it justice.

A Lord of the Rings binge watch is scheduled for the first rainy weekend in September.
Raising them right. ;)
For those of you who understand why this is funny. I have included the clip. Just because. It made me a little sad to realize that there is now an entire generation of kids who know nothing about this. Not because we are that into Lord of The Rings, but because it mad me feel SO OLD!
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