It's seven quick takes Friday! The day every week that I share our week with you. This one is going up a bit late. Better late than never, right? I wanted to get up and get an early start with our adventure for the day. (See #7 ;) ) We have had a good, full, crazy and fun week. We saw friends, learned new things and even went to the park.
We also remembered to stop what we were doing and take a moment to be thankful for our health, family, food and shelter. We took some extra time to pray for those suffering in Texas.
Many prayers are being sent to those who have been effected by hurricane Harvey.
Now for this weeks Seven Quick Takes...
1.What does Daddy make?
Dustin has taken great joy and pride is asking Anna 'What did Daddy make?' He worked with her for weeks and she will now get all excited and walk around the house pointing at all the stuff he has made, installed or assembled. It is a lengthy list by the way.
Now she will proudly march through the house and point at basically everything announcing 'Daddy!' and nodding her head.
Recently during one of their 'What did Daddy make?' sessions, we asked her 'What did Mommy make?' She thought very hard for a moment and announced, 'Babies!'
We all agreed that she was right, and entirely too smart for her own good!
2. Why I should never paint when he is home.
I will never embrace the mess that progress makes. The kitchen is slowly moving forward. Dustin worked all last weekend. I painted off and on as well. He did the grout on the back splash. My kitchen was such a mess, we ate out for two days. The grout looks great, but, oh the mess!

I also realized that I should not paint when Dustin is home. I randomly find him standing nearby watching, which makes me nervous and then I mess up. It is very unnerving.

He also saw a first hand look at how I edge the floor. He has never been home when I did it. So I never told him how I do it. Pretty sure he almost had a heart attack. He doesn't do well with coloring outside the lines.
Honestly, though, it is the best way to get all of the wood covered and make an even coverage all the way to the floor. I scrub it all off after it is done and no one ever knows. ;)
3. Precious update
Most of the parts came in for Precious this week. One of Alex's 'Handicrafts' for school is basic mechanics this year. Dustin and Alex spent a couple hours taking the engine apart. This thing is one of the dirtiest pieces of machinery I have ever seen. Alex was covered head to toe by the time they were done. Dustin said he is learning quickly. They both are looking forward to putting her back together.

4. Two kids
The younger two kiddos stayed the night at a friends house this week so we could spend some time with the older two. We took them to see a historical dramatic play. We also told them they could 'Go wild!' at the snack shack. It was sort of cool hanging out with just two big kids. They had a lot of fun as well.

We went to the play, and then did a late night run to Steak and Shake for shakes on the way home. We even told them they could stay up as late as they wanted. They also got to meet some of the cast. They felt pretty special by the end of the night. Dustin and I both kept commenting how different it was having just two big kids. It was kind of weird and a little too calm and quiet.
This also happened to be Anna's first ever night away from Mom and Dad. She did great and so did Mommy.
5. Run the hills!

Emma's first cross country race was this week. She and her team mates all did a great job! This was the hardest race of the season. It is a mile long track with two big hills. One being at the very end, with the finish line at the top! Also, it poured the rain the entire time.
Emma's time was 9:59, not bad considering the hills, rain and being a course she didn't even get a chance to walk before the race. She is very proud and loving being healthy enough for real sports.
This time two years ago she couldn't even go outside for more than five minutes without needing extra medicine and a nap. Now she runs/walks 5-10 miles a week. That's not including just being a kid and having fun, her strength training for CC and gym class at co-op.
6. Week four
This was our fourth week back to school for the year. The kids are all doing well and enjoying their work. A couple of them have really had to step up their game with school, but that is normal with getting older. You have to be pushed and try to grow and change. I'm so proud of them and their accomplishments.
I did not snap many pictures of them this week. Life has been down right crazy, in a good way! I did snap this one of them this week.

7. Once a month shopping!
I have wanted to attempt planning and shopping monthly for a long time. I have toyed around with the idea for a while. Dustin's pay schedule just never made it seem feasible. Plus there was the challenge of storing a months worth of food in a 'tiny house'.
With the new business being up and running. We have changed how often we get payed. I realized about a month or so into our new venture that I would be able to give 'Once a month shopping' a try. I started it a bit last month, wanting to ease myself in. I bought the months worth of meats and canned goods.
This month, I did the whole month (Minus some produce and milk) in one big haul! I menu planned, budgeted and prepared. My main worry was not forgetting anything and making sure it didn't go over budget on paper. (I always over estimate)
All of it went over so well today! The budget fell into place and the list went well. The only thing I didn't account for...the space in my van + the kids + a months worth of groceries! It was a super tight squeeze. Thankfully Alex was not with us, or I might have had to pick my least favorite child for the day and leave that one behind at Aldi.;)
All of the groceries are now safely tucked away in the cabinets, freezer and fridge. Every cabinet, the fridge and the deep freeze all look like a high stakes game of Jenga!
I will be updating the blog with how the monthly meal plan goes for us. I have a feeling it will change and grow over time. For today, day 1, it is going great!
I hope you all had a blessed mess of a week, like we did. The days may be long but the years are way too short!
Now I am off to have a cup of decaf coffee with pumpkin spice creamer. It is September and that means everything is pumpkin flavored! From now until January! #Happy Dance
I'm so excited!!
Yay for painting when you have hardwood floors. So much less anxiety-inducing than painting in a carpeted room. It wipes right off if wet, and even if it does dry it's not too hard to scrape off.