You want me to eat what?!
Anna went to her four month check up a couple weeks ago. The Dr said she was ready to start eating baby food. I have to be honest, feeding babies solids is one of my favorite things about this stage. The faces, the mess, the excitement. Yes, I am easily entertained and amused.
Apparently the thing to do now (So much has changed since Alex was born ten years ago. Heck, even since Addison was born five years ago!) is to start with green vegetables. We skipped cereal because it is not that nutritious, and if you were too see Anna's thighs, you would agree that she clearly does not need any extra carbs in her diet. They are adorably cute and epic...but still...she does not need the extra carbs from cereal.

The sweet peas were a bit 'Eh' for her. She ate them.
Then I thought I would jump ship and give her bananas. I figured she would enjoy them. The other kids loved them.
Nope! She hates them.
So I figured we would try apples.
Nope! They make her gag and she whines through the whole feeding.
I gave fruit a break and tried sweet potatoes.
Loved them!
(Are you sensing a pattern here?)
After the sweet potatoes we tried Pears.
Nope! Even more gagging!
Serious win!
OK? Seriously?!
Since when does a baby not like fruit?!
This is a new one for me people. I have never seen a baby turn her nose up at fruits.
I'm hoping she gets used to them. Studies show that it can take up to ten times to adjust to a flavor and texture.
So, forward we shall trudge through these tiny jars of fruit.
She serious cracks me up though. She savors every bite of the green beans, sweet potatoes and carrots.(We only tried sweet peas twice , because she had a less than desirable reaction to them. We will be trying those again in a couple weeks.)
However, the moment you give her a bite of fruit she gives you this look of, "Seriously Mom? You expect me to eat this?"
She is such a happy and laid back baby. She takes her dislike of fruits very well. She eats them, gags occasionally and then laughs about it. Then a couple bites later she whines at me about it. Then I tell her, I feel her pain and clearly she is suffering..and she laughs some more.
Have you ever had a baby not like fruit?
I'm curious to see if this carries on into her childhood...
Well it is Friday..which means I have a menu to plan and a grocery list to make. So I had better run...and run fast...because I have been rationing the coffee for the last few days. I literally just drank the last cup! I don't know about you, but that is an emergency level 10 at our house!
I guess I shall loud up the children and trek to Sam's club for a really BIG box of coffee, and some more baby food to torture Anna with. Muahaha. ;)
Happy Friday!
Lyndsay, THHM
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