In the past I used to feel really bad about this, then I realized it has happened with each little one. I don't snap a lot if pictures because my hands are full and I'm in the thick of it with them, running along behind them with a blanket, a sippy, snacks and lot of wipes!
Toddlers are excited, full of wonder, always sticky, super smart, and running full speed ahead toward whatever the next new adventure may be. It is fun, surprising, joyful and even down right exhausting for mothers, fathers, and even big siblings.
It's no wonder these elusive creatures are not documented as much as their infant counter parts. Sometimes it is not for a lack of trying to take a picture, they all turn out blurry!

Right now she is learning about the world through us, she's testing her boundaries, she's learning how to push mommy's buttons, and she's learning how to care for others and be loved.
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'I'm Captain Mickey!' |
Toddlers are such awesome little people. Although, very difficult to capture on film!
I know now, after the first three, that we'll eventually emerge from this stage. There will be more pictures, more calm and less running with scissors. She will tie her own shoes, use the potty alone and think at least twice before barreling into the next new (usually dangerous) adventure.
I absolutely love watching her grow and learn. You can literally see them processing life and their brains growing, making new connections. It happens right before your eyes. I don't want to miss a moment of it.
So the next year or so, I'll be soaking up this little ball of energy and love, taking mental pictures instead if real ones.
Feeding her knowledge, love and hopefully a few green vegetables.
If you try to take pictures of them at that age, it's just a blur anyway because they NEVER STOP MOVING!