Way back before kids, I used to work in the type of job where your looks took you a long way. The hair, nails, makeup and clothes had to be on point. I didn't maintain that job for long, just long enough to know that it wasn't for me.
I am not much of a 'girly girl'. Spending hours on my appearance is not something that brings me joy.
I am not much of a 'girly girl'. Spending hours on my appearance is not something that brings me joy.
On the flip side, I do like to look presentable. I may be a busy and sometimes exhausted mother to many, but I don't like to look that way.
While I am blessed to be home with my kids, I do also run a business with my husband and manage our large, homeschooling family. I don't always know where the day may take me. It can start out being a quiet day of school at home, and quickly turn into a day of errands, with a business meeting, doctor appointment, and or playdate.
I strive to look put together enough to seamlessly transition between whatever life might bring for the day.
Do I always accomplish this? Nope, but I do like to think I manage to walk around not looking too disorganized.
Below, you will find my personal thoughts and tips on my budget friendly, minimalist makeup routine.
Are you ready? Here we go!
The Budget
I use drug store makeup. It is mid range in quality and price. If I purchase a product of less quality, it breaks my face out. I try to walk the fine line between price and quality. Since I don't wear large quantities of makeup on a daily basis, I can afford to purchase a better quality product.
I have added up the price for everything currently in my bag. It is roughly $50. (I will list all items with links below.) These items do not need replenished monthly, or all at once. The cost is broken up over the course of the year. I account for it in our monthly grocery budget. It is such a minimal monthly amount, it is barely noticeable.
The Products and Thoughts on My Personal Style
I go for natural colors with my makeup. I'm not trying to look 'made up'. I just try look presentable and enhance what the good Lord gave me. :) I have a light complexion and colouring; Blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin. My color choices reflect my personal colouring. I stick with beige, tan, pinks and small pops of color.
I am not committed to any one brand or product. When I find a product that works for my complexion and budget, I stick with it. I've been using most of these products for at least five years.
Maybelline NY Nudes Eye shadow
I alternate between a neutral *white, tan, beige* eye shadow and the lavender.
Why lavender? It makes my eyes pop. ;)
MaybellineNY Purple Daze Eye shadow
I have only ever owned two eyelash curlers. They are an essential for me, but last forever. They are replaced when they break.
I have only ever owned two eyelash curlers. They are an essential for me, but last forever. They are replaced when they break.
Burt's Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lip Shimmer, Peony
I wear the lip gloss most of the time. The lipstick is for specials occasions, meetings and date night.
Burt's Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lipstick, Ruby Ripple
Burt's Bees lip balm is something I keep around all the time. I have one in my makeup bag, one in my purse, and on my desk. I don't even consider it makeup, It is an essential. Sometimes, I skip both of the items above and just use this.
Burt's Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm, Original Beeswax
Not pictured are 1-2 eyeliner pencils. They are so old I can't even read the labeling anymore.
Minimalist Mindset
Minimalist tip. Set limits.
This bag is my limit. Your limit may be different. It might be smaller or larger than mine. It might be a drawer in your bathroom, or a set amount of time you allow yourself to get ready.
For me, it is about space and time. If it doesn't fit in the bag or takes more than three to five minutes to apply...it doesn't fit in my life. It is outside of my personal minimalist limits.
One of the best things about minimalism, you set your own limits. Make it to fit your life and needs. :)
While it may look like a lot, when I post it product by product, it really isn't that much. It all fits in this bag.
*Don't ask me where the bag is from. It was some freebee from back in my department store, high-end makeup days. I think it is from Clinique? **Shrugs shoulders.** *
1. Black Mascara
If you are trying to look less tired, use black mascara. It highlights your eyes, making them look more open.
2. Waterproof Mascara
If you are a busy active Mom, you need waterproof mascara. It saves you from having racoon eyes! The dark circles around the eyes caused by smeared make up. The point of make up for Moms is to make us appear less tired, and more put together. Trust me, go with the waterproof mascara.
3. Shimmer
I try to find a flattering eye shadow, with a bit of shimmer. It does a lot for your complexion and brightens your eyes.
4. Nothing Heavy
This is my own personal rule. I don't like the feel of heavy, thick make up. If it feels heavy or thick, I have trouble focusing. Not sure how that is a thing, but it is for me. I do not wear any type of liquid foundation.
5. Ditch the Eyeliner
Last year, I stopped wearing eyeliner on a daily basis. It was frequently getting smeared and made my eyes itch. I also started to make me feel too 'made up.'
6. Pick One
Keeping in lines with minimalism, I only 'go big' on one area at a time. If I do a color on my eyes, I wear lip gloss. If I wear lipstick, my eyes stay more natural.
7. Hydrate, Eat Well, Rest & Exercise
While it is nice to have these products to help us look our best, it is not a replacement for taking care of yourself.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat a well rounded, healthy diet. Vegetables, fruits, healthy carbs and protein are your friend.
Find out how much sleep your body needs, and strive to get it most nights. (I am a person who needs a minimum of 7 hours.)
Go for a walk and lift some heavy things! It doesn't take much to maintain good health. It goes a long way in helping you maintain a healthy glow. ;)
8. Wash it Off
This is a throw back to your grandma's day. Never go to bed with your makeup on. It can be bad for your skin. I will confess that I do sometimes break this rule. I do try to wash it off more often than not. :)

I've got that same mascara, and I think every other mom on the face of the planet does, too! I'd recognize that green-and-pink bottle anywhere.