Yay! We did it! We are half way through the school year!
*Insert shouts of JOY here!*
We took a longer Winter break than planned, due to sickness. That was not fun. We had one good week of school, and then more sickness. My hopes and dreams of being out of school 'on time' are quickly slipping from my grasps. *Dramatic crying*
*Then I remember!*
That's ok. This happens every year, that's why I used my brain powers for good, way back in August, I padded our schedule with time off for the unexpected. Homeschooling comes with many perks, this is one of them.
*Gives self pat on back, moves forward with life, coffee in hand.☕*
As with every year, we reevaluate at the half way point.
What's working?
What isn't?
What's behind?
What's ahead?
Who's struggling with a certain subject/curriculum?
Who's not happy with their school?
Yes, I let my children voice their opinion in their education. I always listen, and take action where genuinely warranted.
This year has been mostly good, the core subjects have been working fairly well. It took a few years to find the ones that work best for us.
Only one major change needed to take place with the older two, they hated their reading program. They stuck it out through the first half of the year, upon my request. They really did give it the good homeschooler try. I have spent many years cultivating a love of reading in my children. If they both voice complaints on an ongoing basis, then I listen. I'm not going to push a curriculum on them that might affect their love of learning. (Yes, there are many times they must just do what is difficult. This went beyond something being difficult.) It quickly came to my attention that this reading curriculum was not going to work for us.
A sample of Alex's reading. |
We decided to go back to the guidelines we were following last year. They are working through a
comprehension book and reading from various titles pre-approved by me. After each book is finished, they have to give a written book report, make a project to reflect what they have learned or give a narrative to me in great detail. They both love doing reading this way, and I find they retain a lot more of what they are reading.
Other than the reading changes, the older two are sticking to what we started with at the beginning of this school year. We are still using
Saxon Math,
Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, and a variety of other curriculums, programs and resources.
Alex decided that he wanted to pick up a second science curriculum along with the one he was already using. He is using Abeka science(A half year course) and
Apologia Anatomy.
Emma started her Abeka science and is also studying a second science topic.
A sample of Emma's reading. |
Addison is doing really well with everything we chose for her this year. She finished her last math curriculum, right before winter break. I know which one I would like to switch to next, but I am waiting until she has done a little more of Life of Fred. We do Life of Fred in spurts at our house. The kids tend to get bored with it after a certain amount of time, then we switch back to a more traditional math curriculum. I do love how much they grow in their problem solving abilities while using LOF.

She is also having fun playing
Prodigy Math.
Addison also switched away from her reading program, she had a huge jump in her reading abilities and surpassed the level we were using. She is now working her way through the entire Magic Tree House series and reading a large variety of books from our personal library, and the public library.
She is also doing a daily comprehension book, spelling with site words workbook, science nature study, animal study and a few other items.
(If people are interest in a full comprehensive list of how we structure our school, I would be happy to make another post. :) )
A sample of Addison's work. |
Together, we are doing geography, history, bible, art and a read aloud. Our current read aloud is The Long Winter.
As I mentioned in
another post I have been known to drop the ball with planning our history curriculum. To save money this school year I decided to put together our own history. It's great when I am on the ball with planning. It's not so great when life happens and I fall behind. (The next time I do this I will plan the entire year, before the year begins. I planned the year almost completely with every other subject. I was leaving some wiggle room with the history, it did not work in my favor.) I am sitting down now to finish planning the rest of the year. No more excuses for this Mama getting behind on that.
Although, even when I am not on the ball the older two kids are always reading at least one nonfiction history book, whether it be a broad overview of time, a biography or a specific subject. (They are really enjoying the
Who Was Book Series.)
I typically use
Mystery of History and I might switch back to it next school year. It really is easier for me to be able to fall back on a preset plan. Hence the need for me to plan farther in advance. A friend sent me her study guide for history for her kids. She is one of those rock star moms who has her children's entire education plans written out in great detail. I will probably use that as a loose guideline for us to follow the rest of this school year.
I am becoming aware of the areas that I am lacking as a educator, and trying to remedy them. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, we just have to learn how to improve upon them, or work around them. Plus I really feel like I need all of my ducks in a row, because high school is coming.
This strikes great fear in me. Mainly because it is the unknown. Thankfully, I have an amazing group of ladies at co-op who have gone before me. They speak of it like it is no big deal. We will be finding out for ourselves in a couple of years.
Well, that is where we stand for this half of the year. I'm pleased with our progress in most areas. The kids are happy, yet challenged and life is moving forward.
Spring semester 2018 here we come!
*Reaches for more coffee, and maybe some chocolate too.*
**Clearly, homeschooling is not always a good influence on my yearly goals.**