It's Friday! Woohoo!
Oh wait, I'm a homeschooling mother to 4 kids, and I work from home.
Why should I be excited for Friday?
Oh, that's right!
It's the day I fill you in on all the happenings going on here in tiny house homeschool world!
1. It's alive!!
The last few parts came in for Precious this week. Well, at least the last few to get her up and running. The amount of pride on Alex's face when it started up was priceless. She still needs a bit of work. Shortly after this picture was taken she started to leak from somewhere else.

Why do I get the feeling that this is the beginning to the never ending saga of keeping Precious running? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. It's over 50 years old and appears to have never been rebuilt until now.
2. Addison finally learned to ride her bike!

We have been working off and on with Addison for a very long time, to teach her to ride her bike. She had some serious fears of falling off and or it going too fast. She was right on the verge of getting it, but was still afraid. Then Grandma came for a visit last Saturday. BOOM! Addison is riding her bike. Grandma apparently had that little bit of magic that gave her that final little nudge. It took Grandma five minutes to accomplish, what Dustin and I had been working on for months. Good job Grandma!
You can watch her if you would like. We took a video! It was a BIG deal. ;)
3. Out with the old. In with the new!
Last week I shared with you about my oven dying. I have been watching that oven die a slow and painful (for me) death since shortly after purchasing it. My frugal ways would not allow me to just go out and buy a new one. Despite the anxiety it produced while using it, day in and day out. When it did finally die I was just a bit relieved.
Then it hit me, I had to buy a new one. If you know me, and I mean really know me. I detest big purchases. Ever since we started our journey to become debt free, and even before that actually. The idea of making a large purchase makes my stomach churn. We finished our debt snowball in May of this year. We are officially debt free now! Also, apparently my buyers anxiety has went away as well. At least to an extent. (I will never be that person who loves to spend and shop without a purpose or without a need. It also helps that we strive to live on the minimalist side.)
I have never had more fun picking out an appliance. This was my first, big, post-debt purchase. It also was a zero compromise purchase. I got everything I could ever want in a stove, plus more...and it was still in the budget! Praise the Lord!
It's a self cleaning, five burner, convection oven. I think it might actually be smarter than I am. It has so many buttons and settings. I'm a bake, temp, broil kind of girl. This should be interesting.

4. Taco
We have three local libraries that we frequent. They are linked together, so there is no confusion as to what book gets returned to where. *big deep sigh*
One location in particular is Anna's favorite. It has a kitchen! This child loves to play kitchen.She will spend hours bringing me random items and telling me what she made.
This is a taco!

5. The end of a season.
Emma's last cross country meet was last weekend. Her best time yet, 8:22 minute mile I'm so proud, and also so stinking happy that cross country has ended! We had zero appointments this week and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.
I'm currently mentally blocking out the fact that basketball starts in two weeks. I will continue to live in blissful loose schedule land until the mass text for sign ups is sent out.
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He can't wait for ball to start! |
We also finally found the time to continue the twice yearly tiny house deep clean, organize and purge. It was a good week!
6. Goofing off
We have been cutting back on eating out. Imagine the children's surprise when we grabbed them Mcd's this week. They were so happy they expressed it with cheeseburger smiles!

7. I will never, not ever, own a cat!
Sometime about a week and a half ago. This little kitty showed up on our front porch. I am typically not a cat fan. We get strays from time to time. Between the dog, the kids and the fact that we do not feed them, they go away fairly quickly. (It probably also has something to do with the blossoming coyote population. I wasn't joking when I told you we live in the woods.)
We did the same thing with this little gal. We ignored her and expected her to head along her merry way. Nope. first she buddies up to the day. (So much for her guard dog capabilities.)
Then the kids started petting her, and kicking around ideas for her name. I was still quite certain she was not staying.
Fast forward to this week. The cat had been absent for about a day. We assumed she had moved on. Then I get this picture from my husband.
It appears that she managed to hitch a ride on one of our vehicles and ended up at our work. She got inside and must have spent the night in the garage. He found her on top of an ambulance engine, first thing in the morning.
The next thing I know, I have stopped everything I am doing and loaded up the kids to go get her. We are half way there before I realized "Crap. Now we own a cat!" It appears I am getting soft in my old age.
She now has a homemade cat house on the front porch, and the kids have been slipping her scraps of food. I pretend not to notice.
Yes, we own a cat now. Her name is Hobo.
(My life is starting to feel like a Lauren Child book. I will never, not ever, own a cat. Oh, wait, never mind.)

She sits right outside the window next to my desk and watches me type. As if she secretly knows I will someday like her. *facepalm*
Happy Friday!
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