However, recently we have had a lot of trouble finding a good wall mounted pencil sharpener that doesn't fall apart after about a year or so. The last one was actually spitting out its internal gears there at the end. We had always used the crank kind because they used to hold up really well.
Clearly that standard had changed. So...I went hunting for something different.

I was searching amazon and came upon this fancy pencil sharpener . It was originally $24.99 but I had caught it on sale for $9.99. That is actually cheaper than the last crank model we had purchased and obviously that didn't pan out! So I decided to take the plunge and get a fancy pencil sharpener.
It arrived a couple weeks ago. Can I please just stop right here for a moment and show my age? arrived, I opened the box and literally said...."Is this it??"
Why?? Because I was picturing the electric pencil sharpeners from when I was a kid. The ones that reminded you of a loaf of bread and sounded like a wood chipper!

This cute, little guy is smaller than a regular stapler! It was so cute and little I almost felt bad for it. I wanted to protect it from my
So, I popped in the batteries, gave it a tiny little farewell pat and handed it over to the kids. Never expecting it to be seen in functioning order ever again.
Ok, My kids aren't that bad, but this thing was just so little and delicate looking. I felt like I was sentencing it to its destruction.
Now let me be the first to say that I was not expecting too much out of this thing considering how much I paid and the size. There are a lot of us in this house and we use whatever we have very frequently.
However, this little thing packs a serious punch! It has done a wonderful job since day one! It sharpens great, empties easily and even has a spare blade in case the first one wears out!
The bonus? It is really quiet. Shockingly quiet.
Oh and it also came with a USB cord so I can hook it to the lap top or into a charge base if the batteries are ever dead...or if Alex 'borrows' them for his Xbox controller.
It now is sits proudly on my computer desk, having passed the test of my children using it endlessly for the last couple weeks. Addison has given this little thing a serious work out! She loves sharpening pencils and the fact that it works automatically has held a huge form of wonderment and satisfaction for her.
We went through our school supplies last week (Not a simple task, we homeschoolers tend to have a mass of supplies.) I finally found all the missing pencils and pens that had been scattered everywhere. Of course, almost all of the pencils were broken. So I plopped them down in front of Addison and set her to work. She was entertained for close to an hour and the result was a cup overflowing with sharpened pencils. Yay!
The Tiny House Homeschool Life Crew gives this fancy pencil sharpener a thumbs up!!
At least for the time being. If it poops out before it gets through one full school year...I'll be sure to let you all know! ;)
Now I am off to get these sleepy kids moving. We had a busy weekend and I nicely let them sleep in a little this morning. They have slept long enough now, and We have some things to accomplish. School work, chores, cleaning, laundry, vloggin, tweeting, etc. I also get to steal away and go running with a friend this evening and I'm entered in a work week step challenge with about 5 or 6 other women. Best be getting to it!
But, I just might need a second cup of coffee first!
Happy Monday!!!
A.K.A...the ring leader to this
P.S...You can also follow us on You Tube at Tiny House Homeschool Life, OR on Twitter @TinyHomeschool4
We had the wood chipper one in our house when I was a kid! We also bit the bullet and bought an electric sharpener years ago, too. And me being such a cheapskate, it was not an easy sell. But I love having it. Now if only I could get my kids to empty the shavings every once in a while...